Insurance Schemes
- Pre-paid Family Accounts: Tailored to the needs of families that do not wish to pay cash for every visit to the clinic. A deposit is left with the clinic and this gets drawn down as various family members visit the clinic. When the deposit is nearly used up, the account is topped up. A statement is given to the primary account holder on a monthly basis. Therefore, you only pay for what you use up.
- Post-paid Corporate Accounts: Tailored to the needs of businesses that would like the children/dependents of their employee’s aged 16years and under to be seen at the clinic on credit. A credit facility is signed and invoices are sent to the company involved on a monthly basis. Various organisations have corporate accounts with the clinic including Zambia Revenue Authority.
- Local Health Insurance accepted: Liberty, Madison Health Solutions, Medlink, SES, Metropolitan life, Prudential, Onelife,Continuum

- International Health Insurance accepted: Cigna, Bupa, Aetna, Henner, Global Benefits Group, Generali, Allianz, Metlife, Sagicor, Group Medical Services, Argus, HCC Medical Insurance Services, HTH Worldwide/GeoBlue.